Real-world Care Technologies for Medicaid/Medicare Recipients That Institutions Actually Deploy

This session features how to make software and services attractive and usable for both patients and their providers Many software startups often don’t really understand healthcare institutions – hospitals, clinics, state Medicaid/Medicare agencies and the like. But for the institutions, adopting any new service and integrating it into the systems and software they already have is costly in time, (re-)training and money. Led by three successful startups in this space, hear real world use-cases and best-practices that harness things such as a patient’s health history, real time data from activity trackers, wireless scales, and blue-tooth enabled biometric sensors into improved outcomes and better coordinated care. Get introduced to technology that helps recipients first find out their eligibility for Medicaid/Medicare, food stamps, and such before filling out long forms. Discover mobile health innovations that are improving health and changing lives as they improve care coordination.

Disruptive Aging
Location: Ballroom 3-4 Date: October 10, 2016 Time: 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm StarCunningham-11 Star Cunningham Hilary-Hatch-11 Hilary Hatch, Ph.D. PAUL-meyer-headshot Paul Meyer